【線上課程】Osaka University Spring semester online course (Deadline 2/17)
Dear Students,
Osaka University has launched a Virtual Study Abroad Program which provides online lectures for overseas partner universities. This program not only provides students the opportunity to attend lectures at overseas partner universities without travel, but also fosters international awareness of students while sparking motivation to study abroad. We will deliver regular courses from Osaka University either in real time or on demand (some lectures are specifically created for this program). Students from overseas partner universities who participate in the program will be enrolled at Osaka University as "Special Auditor" .
Please see the 30 different course information in the attached file. Do pay special attention to the requirements, dates and time of the class (there is one hour difference with Osaka). You can write up to two courses of interest. If you plan to count this as part of your graduation credit, it is important to check with your department first.
There is quota of three students per college.
First Name |
Last Name |
NCKU Student ID # |
Level |
Current year of study |
Department |
Course code up to two courses |
If you have any questions, feel free to contact
Ms. Josephine Tsai em50961@email.ncku.edu.tw
Ms. Jui Chen jjc81@ncku.edu.tw
From: NCKU SEP <em50961@email.ncku.edu.tw>
Sent: Thursday, February 9, 2023 4:46 PM
To: em50961@email.ncku.edu.tw
Subject: 【國際處國際教育組】大阪大學線上課程報名資訊及課綱
Importance: High
敬致 各位學院課務承辦人:
國際處國際教育組承辦大阪大學線上交換課程,茲附上活動報名資訊及課綱,懇請 貴院協助轉知公告系所學生報名參加。於2/17 (五) 前回傳報名資料 (附檔Excel表格)。
請有意願參加的學生向承辦人登記或由系所遴選,再名單傳至國際處匯整提名。本期預計錄取30位學生,請各院最多以推薦3人為限; 若有一位學生選修2門課 (最多2門),則錄取學生數為29人,以此類推; 若報名人數超過30位,將由大阪大學審核學生資格,再行公告錄取名單,大阪大學將個別通知學生經由T-cens完成申請程序。
蔡碧原 Josephine Tsai (Ms)
Manager, Division of Study Abroad
Office of International Affairs
National Cheng Kung University
T:+886 (0) 6 2757575 ext. 50932