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[FW]Recruitment: Team leaders for International Pioneer Camp 2014

[FW]Recruitment: Team leaders for International Pioneer Camp 2014

臺綜大國際領航員營隊  隊輔招募公告

[Recruitment: Team leaders for International Pioneer Camp 2014]

臺綜大國際領航營為全英文營隊,每隊 會有一位台籍生及一位外籍生擔任隊輔的角色。隊輔的工作為帶領隊員參與課堂上的討論,以及一同籌備營期內的相關活動。 為確保營隊素質與溝通流暢,我們希望參與活動的工作人員都具備一定程度英文能力能做簡單的溝通。因此工作人員招募的面試將會有部分是以英文進行,希望同學 參與面試前做好準備。

International Pioneer Camp, 2014:

International Pioneer Camp (IPC) is a long-standing history of hosting freshmen from four member universities of Taiwan Comprehensive University System (TCUS), including NCHU, CCU, NCKU, and NSYSU. We would like to invite domestic students and international students to work together for leading the freshmen in the summer camp.

1. 舉辦地點:國立中興大學

Where is the camp: National Chung Hsing University (in Taichung)

2. 對象:就讀於臺綜大四校之在學臺灣學生與國際學生

Who can apply: domestic and international students enrolled in NCHU, CCU, NCKU, and NSYSU

3. 工作內容:

What can you help?

l 協助臺綜大國際學院籌備處(與國際事務處)舉辦領航員營隊

Help to run the IPC camp with the office of international affairs (OIA)

l 擔任營隊隊輔,協助營隊學員融入活動、參與討論、吸收新知

Lead the freshmen to get involved in the camp

l 台籍學生與國際學生合作帶隊,協助營隊學員增加互動

Cooperate with your partner team leader to lead the in-class discussion

l 支援營隊期間之活動,並參與營隊期間之表演活動設計與練習

Take part in the activities and performance in the camp

l 熟悉營隊講師與講題,協助帶領討論,介紹內容

Encourage the freshmen to communicate and express themselves in English


Time for interviews (Face-to-face interviews are required for NCHU students, and telephone interviews for students from other universities can be arranged.)

l 面試:3/24(一)~3/27(四)

Interview will be arranged between 24st and 27st of March.

5. 工作時間:

Time for the training and camps

l 營前訓練:6/23(一)-24(二)

Training: 23rd and 24th of June

l *營期活動:6/30-7/11

Camps: 30th of June to 11th of July

l 營前訓練請務必出席,營期之前的數次籌會也敬請配合出席

Apart from the camp sessions, you are required to participate in the training and several preparation meeting before the camp sessions.

6. 報名網址(截止日期3/23):On-line application form (deadline: 23 th of March)報名網址連結

7. 薪資說明:6609元(依時薪115元計算,以可同時參與兩個禮拜優先錄取)

Salary: NT$ 6609 (for two weeks)

8. 聯絡人/Contact Chloe Yang at 04-22840206#31 or syang@nchu.edu.tw

9. 活動網站 / Website:

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