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【醫學院歡慶40週年!!】2023 Medical College Research Day


In order to celebrate for the 40th Anniversary of The NCKU College of Medicine and promote the atmosphere of academic research, encourage our graduate students to engage in medical research work, and improve the standard of academic research, the College of Medicine is organizing the “2023 Graduate Research Day”. Experts from outside the college will be invited to deliver talks and at the same time, give comments and select outstanding projects. We will also have many booths with biopharmaceutical companies advertising their products and new technological knowledges. We look forward to the participation of all the students not by only participating in the lectures but also observe and learn from their peers.


To participate in the 2023 Graduate Research Day of the College of Medicine, please follow the instructions below

  • 研究日博士班活動訂於2023211()舉行,地點:醫學院1樓第一、二、三講堂,本次活動由護理學系協辦。

PhD research activity will be held from February 11, 2023 (Saturday), Venue: 1st2nd3th Lecture hall on the first floor of the College of Medicine, this event will be co-organized by the Department of Nursing.

  • 本次活動分為專題演講、口頭報告競賽、海報競賽。

The activities includes special talk, oral presentation contest and poster contest.

  • 研究競賽規則Competition regulations



There will be 6 main research groups for the competition:  translation medicine group, immunology group, neuroscience group, cancer medicine group, big data analysis group, and allied health group.

The posters/ slides should not present any information of under publication.

  • 海報競賽Poster contest
  1. 參賽對象:本院各研究所之在學博士班學生。

Participants: PhD students from the College of Medicine.

  1. 參賽成果以1頁為限,參賽者須自行印製直式A0尺寸海報,張貼於活動會場。(須依規定時程張貼及撤場)

The result of the competition is limited to 1 page. Participants must print a vertical A0 size poster and post it in the event venue. (Please refer to the poster session schedule)

  1. 海報內容:鼓勵以英文為主。

Poster contentin English.

  1. 獎勵方式:





AwardsThe winners will receive a certificate plus a bonus.

5,000 NTD for the First place (one per group)

3,000 NTD for the Second place (two per group)

2,000 NTD for the Third place (three per group)

In addition, some outstanding works will be awarded with a certificate of merit. (maximum five per group)

  • 口頭報告競賽Oral presentation contest
  1. 參賽對象:由本院各研究所推薦研究傑出之博士班學生。(參加口頭報告競賽者須同時參加海報競賽,獎金僅得擇一支領)

Participants: outstanding PhD students recommended by their department. (Participants must also participate in the poster contest. But participant will only be able to receive bonus award from one competition)

  1. 依參賽主題分六場次進行,各場次時間請見活動議程。

There will be six sessions based on the theme of the competition. Please refer to the event agenda for the time of each session.

  1. 以英文報告3分鐘+Q&A 2分鐘,報告時間餘1分鐘響鈴提示,時間到響鈴2次,講者必須立刻結束報告。

Oral presentation will be of 3 minutes + Q&A 2 minutes, the bell will ring when 1 minute left and 2 times when the presentation time is up, the time control will be strictly enforced.

  1. 以PowerPoint 作成投影片(配合講堂投影機,建議以 43 投影片模版製作)投影片總數不得超過 2 (含首頁)Please use PowerPoint to make the slide (It is recommended to set up as a standard size of 4:3). The slide should not exceed 2 pages (including the home page)

Please use PowerPoint to make the slide (It is recommended to set up as a standard size of 4:3). The slide should not exceed 2 pages (including the home page).

  1. 如投影片有以動畫方式呈現,出現後之文字(或圖檔)須留於頁面中,不可以被覆蓋或消失。

If the slide has animations, the text/image must remain on the page and cannot disappear.

  1. 投影片總數超過2張或是違反第5點規定者,分數不予計算

If the slide exceeds 2 pages or violates the rule of point 5, the score will not be counted.

  1. 報告者202321017:00投影片上傳至雲端表單https://forms.gle/ysEQqYykaqmzqm1o6(檔名:序號_參賽組別_姓名),繳交後若有修改檔案,須於各場次開始前 30 分鐘至會場準備之電腦更新完畢(因活動時間有限,敬請務必遵守。)

Presenters are requested to update the slides to the google form https://forms.gle/ysEQqYykaqmzqm1o6 before 17:00 on February 10th, 2023. Please save with the file name: serial number_entry category_name. If there is any modification of the file after submission, presenter must be at the venue 30 minutes before the start of each session to update the file.  Because the activity time is limited, please be sure to comply.

  1. 獎勵方式:各組分別遴選前三名。


Awardseach group selects the top three.

The winners will receive a certificate plus a bonus of 15,000 NTD for the First place, 9,000 NTD for the Second place, and 6,000 NTD for the third place. In addition, some outstanding works will be awarded with a certificate of merit.

  • 申請流程Application process


The applicant submits the application documents to the respective departments.

  • Institute of Basic Medical Sciences
  • Institute of Clinical MedicineInstitute of Clinical Medicine and Institute of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Institute of Allied HealthInstitute of Allied Health, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, Department of Public Health, Department of Nursing

After the preliminary review from the three designated institutes, the recommended list and application will be submitted to the the Department of Nursing  and the College of Medicine.

The office will sort out the "List of Poster Contests" and "List of Oral Report Contests" and announce the finalist.

The office will sort out the "List of Poster Contests" and "List of Oral Report Contests" and announce the finalist.








Opening ceremony and Group Photo



Special talkCEO, Yung-Chun Chuang


咖啡時光Coffee break


口頭競賽 (轉譯醫學、癌症醫學、大數據分析)

Oral Report Contests (Translation, Cancer, Big data analysis)


午餐Lunch break



Special talkProf. Keh-Chung Lin


口頭競賽 (健康照護、神經科學、免疫學)

Oral Report Contests (Allied health, Neuroscience, Immunology)


咖啡時光Coffee break


海報競賽poster contests


閉幕 (口頭競賽頒獎)

Oral presentation award and Closing ceremony

  • 本辦法未盡規定之事項及任何臨時狀況,依主辦單位之決議行之。

Matters and any temporary conditions not specified in this method shall be implemented at the discretion of the organizer.




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