
2017年度最佳論文-Favouring modulation of circulating lipoproteins and lipid loading capacity by direct antiviral agents grazoprevir/elbasvir or ledipasvir/sofosbuvir treatment against chronic HCV infection.

最後更新日期 : 2019-11-08
Hung-Yu Sun, Pin-Nan Cheng(鄭斌男), Chiung-Ying Tseng, Wei-Jen Tsai,
Yen-Cheng Chiu, Kung-Chia Young
Favouring modulation of circulating lipoproteins and lipid loading capacity by direct antiviral agents grazoprevir/elbasvir or ledipasvir/sofosbuvir treatment against chronic HCV infection.
Gut;Published online:2017 Jun 14.