Department of Nursing

The Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program was established in 1989, the Master of Science in Nursing Program was initiated in 1999, which recruited students from adult care, mental health care, pediatric nursing, community nursing and nursing administration. The Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing Program offered through the Institute of Allied Health Sciences, began in 2003. The Master of International Advanced Program in Nursing (IAPN) was established in 2012. International Doctoral Program in Nursing (IDPN) was established in 2017 and Asian and Pacific Alliance for Nursing Education (APANE) was established in 2019.
Department of Nursing hold “Empathy, Respect, Responsibility, Caring” as concepts central to our philosophy. It is our goal to cultivate nursing leaders who are self-motivated independent, decisive, creative, and critical thinkers with professional nursing knowledge, skills, and enthusiasm. Graduates are expected to have humanities and social science knowledge, critical thinking, ethics, nursing informatics, clinical practice, nursing research, teaching and learning, leadership and management, and lifelong learning, and become a nursing professionals with social humanities caring, international perspective and mission.
1. Focus on the design of effective situated learning and teach students to think about the impact of global social changes in the health and nursing profession.
2. Apply the concept of holistic and continuous care to individuals, families, groups and communities.
3. Train students to apply nursing process to solve the health problems of the case.
4. Strengthen the ability of students in leadership and nursing research.